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Dedicated to Extraordinary Achievement in Business


I'm here because I plan to...

Grow With A Partner

Our M&A Division, led by Tom Carden has facilitated more transactions than any firm in the outpatient physical therapy industry.

No one knows the market better, no one knows the buyers better, no one gets their clients better results.

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Grow On My Own

Our Growth Consulting Division has assembled an exclusive network of multi-clinic owners who are committed to remaining independent and prosperous.

Together we are creating innovative new strategies to Take The Lead.

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Recent Transactions

Pair text with an image to call out a particular feature, benefit, or product. A common best practice is to stack multiple Text & Image sections in an alternating pattern.

Acquirer CEO Interviews - Live

Pair text with an image to call out a particular feature, benefit, or product. A common best practice is to stack multiple Text & Image sections in an alternating pattern.

Strategy Updates From The Field

Pair text with an image to call out a particular feature, benefit, or product. A common best practice is to stack multiple Text & Image sections in an alternating pattern.

Call To Action

An instruction to the audience to provoke an immediate response, usually using an imperative verb such as buy now, find out more or visit a store today.


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